You'll need 1 pumpkin for pies
Choosing the right pumpkin
I used to think picking the right pumpkins for baking was a stressful job. It wasn't until I went to a pumpkin farm that I understood what each pumpkin is best for. If you are goig to be baking it's best to use the pumpkins that are about the size of melons. To my understanding, these are usually called pie pumpkins. When I was at the pumpkin farm I wasnt sure how much puree I was going to be able to get out of just one pumpkin so I purchased 2.
Once I got home I decided to bake one right away to see how much puree I could get out. I was very pleased to see that just that one pie pumpkin gave me about 8 to 10 cups of puree. That's about 2 to 3 pumpkin rolls! From just 1 pumpkin!!!! So worth it!!!!
The Process:
Turn oven on at 325*F
 Cut the pumpkin in half
 Scrape all the seeds and strings out of the pumpkin halves.
 Place pumkin halves facing down in a shallow baking pan
 Place in oven to cook for about 45 minutes to 1 hour
 Pumpkin halves will be soft once fully cooked
 Remove from oven and allow to cool
 Once pumpkins have cool down enough to handle them you can start peeling them and put them in the blender or food processor and blend until you have the consistency you desire. You can place in separate bags or containers by recipe portions and freeze them, This will allow you to have the exact amounts already measured in bags making it easier to handle once you use them.
Happy baking my friends!