How did I survive?!
As my husband and I planned for another baby, I was very excited when it was finally that time to pee on the stick! I bought the early pregnancy test, and tested 4 days early. The test wasn't too clear to me because the 2nd line was not too noticeable, so before getting too excited I decided to wait until the actual 1st day of my (possibly missed) period. But I just knew it was going to be positive because my breasts were hurting the day before...and it sure was a positive pregnancy test. I used FIRST RESPONSE Early Result Pregnancy Test, 2 Count
Symptoms didn't really start until about 7 or 8 weeks. But WOW symptoms started like a big bang! Eating was a major task! I could eat one thing in the morning and taste delicious but couldn't try to eat the same thing for lunch or dinner because it would turn into my worse nightmare ... or should say morning sickness! I decided to purchase some sea bands because they worked so well for me in my first pregnancy. Unfortunately, I put them and I simply couldn't stand the feel of something putting pressure on me.
As my morning sickness kept progressing, I started to feel a little frustrated because I was feeling very hungry but most things didn't tasted good, and the few that did, would most certainly end up in the toilet. One thing I was surviving on during weeks 9 and 10 without nausea was Kodiak Muffin Power Cups. I was eating one for breakfast every morning.
From week 11 until week15, I had been surviving on slowed cooked roast beef with chickpeas, season only with salt and rosemary and oven roasted carrots.
As far as liquids and staying hydrated, I had a VERY difficult time with ALL liquids, to the point that only water at a specific temperature was the only thing I could really drink. I tried many other liquids as people kept suggesting, such as water with lemon, water with salt, chamomile tea, hibiscus tea, coconut water, milk, iced water, horchata, Gatorade, but nothing really worked. I was so dehydrated and I could feel it too!!!
Another symptom I had during 1st trimester that I feel it was stronger than on my first pregnancy, was the dizziness. I could not get on the phone, computer or watch TV without my head spinning. I kept my eyes closed while the family watched TV. Any movement on the couch or bed would also make my head spin, so I had to start sleeping alone to prevent feeling this way.
Different smells would make my head spin real bad, but also make me extremely nauseous which means cooking was completely out of the question. My husband did most of the cooking during this time, and all I could really do was to lock myself in the bedroom and under the covers while finished in the kitchen. I couldn't talk much either without feeling nauseous, so it was a very quit 1st trimester in our house for sure.
As week 14 was approaching, nausea and dizziness were going away, slowly but surely and second trimester started. I'll leave that for my 2nd Trimester blog.